The goal of perlbrewr is to assist the loading of a perlbrew perl and optionally a library with the aim of improving reproducibility. The central task that perlbrewr performs is management of the environment variables in the same manner as perlbrew itself, by calling perlbrew commands and translating the changes there into R function calls that achieve the same outcome. Primarily, these are Sys.setenv and Sys.unsetenv.



  • R (>= 3.3.0)
  • magrittr
  • stringr

Non R


You can install the released version of perlbrewr from GitHub with:



This is a basic example of usage to load a perlbrew environment:

params$perl_version = 5.24.0

result <- perlbrew(root = Sys.getenv("PERLBREW_ROOT"), version = params$perl_version)

The brewed version of perl is now the default.

#>                                                             perl 
#> "/software/programming/perlbrew-0.76/perls/perl-5.24.0/bin/perl"

This is also the case in bash shell blocks.

By configuring knitr - this happens automatically by default.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.path = list(perl = Sys.which("perl")[["perl"]]))

Perl code in perl blocks run the same interpreter.

local::lib library access

Perlbrew supports local::lib libraries for further controlling which modules are installed. perlbrewr supports loading these also.

perlbrew(version = params$perl_version, lib = "example")
#> [1] TRUE
#> [1] "/tmp/Rtmp8L1Tdz/.perlbrew/libs/perl-5.24.0@example/lib/perl5"

Within this local::lib modules may be installed with cpanm.

Since perlbrewr::perlbrew sets the PERL5LIB environment variable perl code relying on the dependencies is now sucessful.

listing and creating libraries

perlbrew_list returns a listing of the available versions of perl and any local::lib libraries. If a version or library is in use, the active object attribute is also set.

#> [1] "perl-5.24.0"         "perl-5.24.0@example" "perl-5.26.0"        
#> attr(,"active")
#> [1] "perl-5.24.0@example"

A new library is created with perlbrew_lib_create.

#> [1] "perl-5.24.0"         "perl-5.24.0@example" "perl-5.26.0"        
#> attr(,"active")
#> [1] "perl-5.24.0@example"


The knitr chunk options engine.path and engine.opts are set automatically so that each engine="perl" chunk will use the correct perl interpreter and PERL5LIB. Any engine.opts for perl that have already been set should remain in the list. For this to work correctly the list() version of the engine.opts should be used. i.e.

knitr::opts_chunk$set(engine.opts = list(perl = "-CS", bash = "--norc"))